
Never-ending Pulling Gum Out of My Mouth


This is probably the second time I’ve had a dream like this. Having gum constantly in my mouth and throughout the whole dream I am constantly pulling the gum out, but it is never-ending.

The dream was basically revolved around me moving. My boyfriend and older brother were there to help me move. But the most significant (and odd) thing about the dream is that I always had a mouth full of gum, even though I was constantly pulling the stretchy substance out. In the dream I wasn’t scared about it or anything, I was going on about my day like nothing. It was really more of a nuisance then anything.

Anyways, here is the symbolic interpretations of my sticky gum situation:

To dream that you are unable to get rid of your gum suggests that you are experiencing some indecision, powerlessness or frustration. You may lack understanding in a situation or find that a current problem is overwhelming. The  gum in your mouth is a metaphor for something that you are trying to process or digest. Perhaps you feel that you have bitten off more than you can chew.
— DreamMoods

Dreams of chewing something might indicate a need to sort things out. Chewing gum may represent going through the same experience over and over again.
— MythsDreamsSymbols

When you dream of gum it indicates feelings of being trapped and susceptible. You seem to be stuck in a situation in your life. If you cannot get rid of the gum, whether it sticks to your hand or your mouth, you are upset by your inability to get away from the problem.
— DreamDictionary

I was also surprised to see that it could be a sign of a serious health condition!

Dreams of pulling gum out of your mouth or gum being stuck in your mouth are classic examples of “dream incorporation” – where an actual event that is physically occurring in or to your body becomes included into the story-line of a dream. Such dreams (which may also involve string or hair) are often indications of an air blockage or difficulty breathing during sleep and have been known to be symptomatic of a life threatening sleep disorder called sleep apnea.
— DreamDoctor

I actually agree with the first interpretation. There are a million things going on in my life at the moment, and I am overwhelmed. I will also be moving again in January, and have yet to find a place to move into yet.

42 thoughts on “Never-ending Pulling Gum Out of My Mouth”

  1. Somebody in my dream told me I was pulling out GUM TISSUE. Weird, right? Does that signify something much deeper?

    1. This is my same dream situation…started out as hardened taffy or Carmel sugar daddy like substance and once that was cleared I continued to pull out what someone pointed out was gum tissue. So bizarre…

  2. I just had a dream similar to yours except I was back in highschool and I started to chew gum but when it was time to go home I tried to get rid of it but I kept having it come up throat and pulling it out as I proceed to get lost on my way home.

  3. I have sleep apnea and have been using a cpap machine for about 5 years. If I impede the machines operation from my sleeping position I will have the dream incorporation of either never ending gum or popcorn stuck in my teeth and mouth. You need to have a sleep study.

  4. I had a similar dream except the gum was caked all over my tongue. I keep pulling it off my tongue and throwing it away, but I could never get it all off my tongue. I felt like this dream went on forever. People would walk by and look at me oddly as I tried to scrape this gum off my tongue. .what does it mean?

    1. I have that same dream! I try to spit out my gum but it’s stuck all over my tongue and I can’t ever get it out. I just realized how constantly I have this dream as well. I wonder what it really means, if it means anything.

  5. I’ve had a similar dream multiple times, what I was doing wasn’t important aside from the fact that I was constantly pulling very large clumps of gum out of my mouth, and sometimes telling whoever I was with to give me a minute to get rid of all this damn gum, but it’s never-ending….

  6. I just had a very similar dream. I was walking out of an apartment and left my boyfriend inside. Then I saw a realtor showing a ne apartment to a women and I asked if I can come see the apartment too. She said sure, I went along. The new apartment was huge and had more rooms that I needed but the rent was cheaper than what I was playing. All of a sudden I realized that I crossed over to another apartment thins one had furniture and people living in the apartment. I was confused and the owner of the apartment was like yes the rent is cheap because we have to share a wall and this wall we can’t deal because it will raised the rent and it’s illegal. I was confused but wanted to see her apartment and I did. It was beautiful. She did a lot with the space and it seemed cool. The I looked out the window and saw a restaurant and realized I was hungry and wanted to take a look at the type of restaurant. When I’m starting to walk over all of sudden a group of children and a men tell me to come with them in the car. I’m assuming it’s the woman’s husband and go with it since they’re my neighbors anyway. I get out the car and that’s when I realized I had this gum in my mouth. I tried spitting the gum out a large amount came out but still had some stuck in my teeth. The husband is a tall man with red hair. His waiting on me to finish. I just couldn’t stop getting the more gum in my mouth. He then comes over and it’s switching his jacket to a black blazer. Meanwhile I’m still pulling gum out of my mouth. Then I bend down in attempt to pull out the gum and he sticks his tumb in my butt. I was supervised and taking a back but let him do it. Then he was telling me that I have that thong way up my butt too. I started to laugh and told him I would be right in. The rest of the dream I was looking for the man in the restaurant and trying to still pull gum out of my mouth. A women even tried helping me and couldn’t get it out…

  7. I literally just had this dream during my nap and I totally agree with the interpretations. I however believe that this is a clearly a message from God, giving me a bit of clarity about my situation. I, too am stuck in a situation where I feel powerless and trapped. And usually I am the type to avoid traps and find ways out of a overwhelming problem but with this situation, I am locked in. I have definitely been asking God to give me clarity about the situation because for once in life, I can’t understand what’s going on. In summary, I feel like I have bitten off more than I can chew but it’s only because I have asked God to use me, and the situation that I am in, he is definitely using me by teaching how to be strong and to remain consistent even when I feel like I want to run away from this overwhelming situation. Maybe someone else needed to hear this as well :). Crazy how we all can have the same dream that connects us to the same underlying problem.

    1. I just had this dream and can’t believe what I just read. I am sitting in a hotel in Alaska on a trip that I struggled deciding all week if I should make, because what I am doing is SOOO out of my comfort zone. I finally prayed and decided the Lord wanted me to do this…so here I am, but I had this dream. So I am here to tell you, your interpretation is spit on for me and thanks for the confirmation that I am moving in the right direction as uncomfortable as it might be. WOW….I just might be who, was suppose to read your post. I love it. He is great.

      1. I too was definitely supposed to read your post! I have made a decision that I am struggling with as well and this just gave me the clarity I need that I made the right decision and it was a step forward in the right direction! Thank you for posting! He truly is awesome!

      2. I just had this again last night but it was not gum. This time it was hair, last week it was a chain. I started keeping a log. I can easily attribute this to perhaps wanting to say something and you just can’t. Or feeling like your keeping thoughts and feelings bottled up inside. The strange part is that when I wake up in remember the feeling and I’m aways trying trying to bite it off or get to the end. Always a pile in my hand too like gum, hair, etc. It’s so weird!

    2. May be I had to hear this because even I have been asking God and in my dream I was speaking to a priest about my past… and I was crying out to him and suddenly this thing started coming out of my mouth and I kept pulling and pulling… after a few searches I also found this…

      This dream signifies attachments to others. These are the ties that bind you to other people in your life who you are co dependent upon in some form or another.

      When we begin to seek spiritual enlightenment these attachments must be severed so that you walk the pathless path alone. This was what Buddha did after having left his family and then again after leaving his wife and son.

      You are not alone but take this symbol as a time to further your spiritual quest and to cut those ties with the people who will hold you back and keep you reacting to past rather than living in the present and responding in a mature spiritual fashion.

  8. Thanks. I’ve had several recurring dreams (including last night) where I’m pulling out masses of seemingly endless gum from my mouth throughout the dream. The theme from the symbolic interpretations above make sense to me.

  9. I thought I was crazy and the only one to have these dreams. I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, however I had Bariatric surgery a year and a half ago so I was hoping I still didn’t have it and stopped using the bi-pap. Gonna break my machine back out and see if that stops the dreams, this dream is usually 3 times a week. I’m either pulling piles of gum out of my mouth that’s never ending, even with people around me or it has been spaghetti noodles also. To this day I won’t eat spaghetti because of my dreams. It’s weird tho no one helps me in the dreams. Makes sense about having sleep apnea because no one can help me with that except a machine. All I know is this dream is annoying and it’s been going on for years knock about a recurring nightmare.

  10. In my dream I actually pull my teeth out to rid my self of the gum. I reasoned that the dentist could glue my teeth back in.

    1. I have this dream countless times and when I pull the gum out my teeth come out with it and there is still more and more. I can never get rid of all the gum

      1. I forgot to add that after a while when I pull the chewing
        gum I pull the skin off my gums too and they become very sore

  11. This is interesting. I had this dream last night, and I just signed a new Lease yesterday & its been a very stressful situation and I was very unsure weather or not I wanted to sign or not.. Pretty crazy this was the first thing that popped up.

  12. This dream is irritating me now and again.I don’t know what it means.in my sleep I always dream of me trying to take out sticky gum on my teeth but instead of it taking all out ,it becomes bigger till I get tired of pulling it.it has happened so many times.Can someone help me interprete the meaning of this dream

  13. I had this dream twice now. In my dream, I had a dark gummy substance in my mouth that I was constantly pulling out. And I was pulling it out by the handfuls, Once I would remove the gum, more gum will accumulate from the back out my throat. It was driving me nuts and in my dream, I would of suffocate if I didn’t keep pulling out the gum.

    Really bizarre.

  14. I keep having this dream except the gum gets caught between my teeth. As I try to pull it out my molar starts to break apart and chunks of my tooth comes with it. Today though was the first time almost my whole tooth came out and I was spitting blood into the sink. Also had these weird clear chewy gel pieces coming out of my mouth after the gum was gone. I woke up expecting to see a bloody pile of gum and teeth on my pillow. My girlfriend has said b4 she thinKS I have sleep apnea. Now I’m gonna go get checked for it to see what’s really going on.

  15. I have a dream about continuously pulling chewing/bubble gum out of my mouth allot, for a while I wondered why…

    There’s no hidden meaning, it’s just that you’re going into a light stage of (REM) sleep and you have a dry mouth IRL (I also have asthma which contributes to the sensation), I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, take my inhaler, drink some water, and wouldn’t get the dream again for the night. I’d only ever get the dream when I have a really dry mouth.

    Moral of the story, always have a bedside drink.

  16. I have this dream recurringly. Last night it was when I was talking to a superior at work in the dream who was insisting that I had an illness and I was trying to insist I was healthy but the gum thing started. I think there is something about ‘inability to speak truth to authority’ in the dream theme.

    1. I had this dream again but rather than gum it was a never ending amount of chewing tobacco. You are most likely having breathing issues. I have since been treated for sleep apnea.

  17. Over the last few years I have started having this dream regularly–sometimes it’s only 1-2 times per month, sometimes it’s every night. It usually entails me being in a situation where it is embarrassing or distracting me from doing something or moving forward with a goal, so it could be psychological… The dream started a few years ago and I thought it might also be related to the fact that I started wearing invisalign retainers at night. But it also started when I took a long term job that I recently quit. I stopped having the dreams for the month that I have not been working there and only working for myself. But I just had the dream again last night after I decided to take another full time job. So maybe it’s connected to feeling like I’m stuck if I take a salaried full time job instead of working for myself?

    I do also grind my teeth (and have for many years even before the retainers) which I’ve heard is a possible sign of sleep apnea as well–by pushing your jaw forward when grinding your airway opens. I’d be curious to know if anyone else wears retainers or has an issue with grinding??

  18. I have been experiencing this dream for over 2 yrs. I wish I could get some answers but to add to possible causes I agree with salaried work suggestion. I am also trying to find out if it is related to health.
    I smoke, could this be connected to smoking….I am looking for a reason to quit.
    Does anyone having these dream smokes? How many cigarettes per day?

    1. Yaaasss! It’s 2:00 am, I just had this dream again…second or third time. I not only smoke (and are currently trying to quit), but I am also deciding/torn whether to accept a job offer…crazy right? In the dream I am actually ‘bumming’ cigarettes from people too…all the while trying to pull this weird sticky, gummy substance off my tongue. (I also awoke with a super dry mouth) When I ‘Googled’ this, I never thought I would have found so many people with the same situation/scenario, with parallel issues going on in their lives…quite odd, but I definitely feel more at ease…thanks guys, and good luck!

  19. I was finally able to spit or take the gum out of my mouth last night!! For years I have had the gum pulling dream, in which some cases I would pull teeth out in order to try and get all the gum out, but to no avail it would always stay stuck to my teeth. I would wake up frustrated and confused by this dream.
    I have worked in the field of sleeping disorders for 11yrs as a polysomnographic technologist. I tested myself and I don’t have any sleep apnea. I don’t believe this dream has to do with sleep apnea, but more about feeling stuck in a situation that is frustrating or that you would like to get out of.
    When I would have the dream often, I was in a relationship that did not make me feel good. While lying in bed, most every night and morning I felt by the situation and knew I needed to and wanted to end it, but stayed in it for 2yrs. Finally over a year later I am now in a relationship that makes me feel at peace and better about myself. I also started on the anti anxiety/depression medication effexor xr a few months ago and feel less stressed about work, relationships and life in general.

    1. This is me to a TEE!!! I have very mild sleep apnea but couldn’t tolerate the C-pap. It is clearly something psychological. I can’t wait until the day I can get all the gum off of my teeth!!!!

  20. I cannot believe other people have this dream. Pulling gum stuck around my teeth is a part of my dream almost nightly and sometimes (like today) my teeth are even sore when I wake up. I have no dental issues so it isn’t a physical issue. But the gum thing can ruin an otherwise good dream and it ticks me off. I keep seeing myself in the dream pulling pink gum out of my mouth over and over and over and it is never ending. Last night in my dream, I was asking people to cut the strands i couldn’t get out off my teeth. Weird!!!

  21. I am so glad that I found this. I honestly thought I was the only one who has had this same stupid dream over and over again for years. I have always wondered if it was related to my sleep apnea somehow and I’m relieved to hear that is probably what causes it. I’ll have to be sure that my C-pap is secure so I won’t have these dreams anymore. I hate them!

  22. i am having this experience almost in every dream. In real life i don’t like to chew gums but i feel like its a reality rather than a dream. as if i don’t like yo chew gum because it will stuck btw my teeth. But it only happens when I’m dreaming

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